Kontakt Ich freue mich über Ihre Nachricht. Kontakt aufnehmen Name: E-Mail: Betreff: Nachricht: An Wollwärts Sicherheitsfrage: * + 9 = 11 Blog Zu den neuesten Erkundungen rund um Wolle, Schafe und StrickenEventkalender Meine Ziele, Termine und Veranstaltungs-TippsAnleitungen Hier gibt es meine Lieblings-Anleitungen zum kostenlosen downloadEventkalender woolfest in Cumbria ’18Wollfestival wollwaerts Knitting a pattern from a traditional Fanø-Scarf. Made another little duckling… I like the more s The first tulips in my garden this year! And the s I‘ve never ever knitted an animal before. I was It‘s snowing here - and mittens are still an imp For free on ravelry: Peace mittens! Since about 65 Knitting a very traditional pattern in a yarn, ver I just love knitting socks! Especially with a hand Knitting with needles n.5 and Alpaka, that‘s com Starting my Christmas-Knitting with a classic: a s Socks, knitted in style of Fanø traditional scarv The inspiration for this sock pattern is the trad Testknitting a new design @tomkeknits - the yarn b Wish I could be @shetlandwoolweek but take part fr My testknit for @emilycpoleson has been finished r Showing our beautiful shawls, with the designer @c Arrived at Fanø yeaterday and went to the beach i At last years @strikkefestival we, that is my Berl This ‚Janker‘ , a traditional bavarian jacket, That‘s almost all my knitting for the past few w Weitere anzeigen Auf Instagram folgen